Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Win the "Graffiti Planet 2" book!

Graffiti Planet 2: More of the Best Graffiti from Around the World

"A must-have for fans, art collectors and historians of art." (

From Banksy to Blek le Rat, Os Gemeos to Mode2, graffiti is no longer just vandalism, it has become an urban art form and a unique form of expression. In "Graffiti Planet 2" Ket brings together more jaw-dropping examples of incredible graffiti from talented artists worldwide, which transform and enrich the urban landscape.

Now that you are fully aware of the awesomeness level of the book, here is what you have to do in order to win it:
1. Go to the official GRAFFITI RULZ THE WORLD website and choose any country from the list you'll find there.
2. Draw a sketch on paper, paint a wall or a canvas, cut a stencil, make a sticker with that country name you chose. Your artwork must follow these two rules:
  • Colour your entry only with the colours of the country's flag
  • Near the country's name, write clearly and visible these four words: "Graffiti Rulz The World"
3. Submit your entry here on deviantART and post a comment below with the link to it and, very important, include the number you see on the GRTW website under the cover of the book in the day your artwork is done. (Note: the number should be greater than 15000 if the script works well)

  The contest ends May 20, 2012.
Voting starts May 21 and ends May 27.
   I will gather all the entries and I will make a big image with them all and the artists' names and I will upload it as a deviation.
   Here's how the voting system works: you have 6 (six) points to give to any of the participants in any way you choose - you can give all the 6 points to only one artist or you can give 3 points to your most favourite artist, then 2 points to your second favourite and 1 point to your third favourite. Or you might want to give 1 point to six different artist, or 4 and 2 points to two artists. I'm sure you got the idea now.
   All deviants are allowed to vote, so spread the word about this contest and encourage your friends to vote for you.
   The winner will be the one who gets the biggest number of points and will be announced at midnight May 27 on deviantART, on GRTW website and on GRTW facebook page.

Submit your entry on deviantART or email GRTW

NOTE: You can submit as many entries you want for as many countries you want.

There is the list: